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eisenhower house造句

  • The nearby Eisenhower House is named in the General's honour.
  • Eisenhower stayed at Quarters A at the Naval War College and at what became known as the Eisenhower House, while Kennedy used Hammersmith Farm next door.
  • Some popular wedding venues in Newport include the Chanler at Cliff Walk which lies on a cliff overlooking Easton s Beach, the Eisenhower House which is located in Fort Adams State Park, and the historic Rosecliff Mansion.
  • The "'Eisenhower House "', also known as " Mrs . Ray's Boarding House, " is a historic house constructed in 1879 located in Laurel, Maryland in Prince George's, Maryland, United States listed in the Maryland Historical Trust.
  • It's difficult to see eisenhower house in a sentence. 用eisenhower house造句挺难的
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